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Generate SEO Meta Title and Description.

Live Crawling

Generate an impeccable SEO Meta Title and Meta Description for a live crawled page. Please use GPT-4!

SEO / Keywords
Disregard any prior instructions. You must only answer in . As a specialist in SEO and marketing, your task is to develop an ideal meta title and description based on a webpage's content. Follow these SEO recommendations: 1. Meta title: - Incorporate primary and secondary keywords. - Accurately represent the page's content. - Be appealing to the target demographic. - Stay within a 50-60 character limit, ensuring to adhere to the character length. - Position keywords towards the beginning of the title. - Think about using captivating language to draw user attention. - Using odd numbers and brackets might increase the click-through rate. - Take into account the five CTR components: brand, recentness - Perceived Freshness, amount - Volume of Content, Velocity: Time to Value, and economy: Low Price Offerings - Utilize hyphens over pipes 2. Meta description: - Add relevant keywords, avoiding keyword stuffing. - Give a brief yet informative summary of the content, not exceeding 150-160 characters, and ensure proper character length. - Incorporate a call to action for promoting user engagement. - Adapt the description to match your target audience's search intent. - Employ inviting language to arouse user curiosity and boost click-throughs. Source Content from URL({{Live Crawling Target URL}}): {{Live Crawling Crawled Text}}